UKAS Calibration of Sound Level Meters & Acoustic Calibrators
For over 45 years, Cirrus has been calibrating and servicing sound level meters, acoustic calibrators and noise measurement instruments. This long history enables us to offer a truly unique service to you, our customers, no matter what equipment or calibration...
The Top 10 Quietest Places on Earth
We often talk about excessive noise, whether it's in reference to occupational or environmental noise, but it's not very often that we talk about quiet places.
Following COP26, here’s what we’re doing to help protect the planet
Following the conclusion of the COP26 summit in Glasgow, we’ve been reflecting on how we do things, both internally and externally, and considering the action we can take as a business to minimise our environmental impact. We have recently pledged...
How to Protect Your Hearing this Bonfire Night
It’s the 5th of November, which means only one thing! The brilliant bonfires and fantastic fireworks have been prepped and are ready to paint the skies with their cocktails of colours.
Environmental noise monitoring, anytime, any place and anywhere
Cirrus Research is excited to announce the launch of their latest cloud-based noise monitoring system, Quantum Outdoor. Quantum Outdoor is a single solution for the remote monitoring of noise 24/7; it uses powerful cloud technology to give users control over...
It’s time to shout louder about Noise Pollution!
Noise pollution is the second largest environmental cause of health problems, according the World Health Organisation, with heart disease, diabetes and mental health conditions being caused by excessive noise levels. We think noise pollution awareness needs to be better.
Why Do Some Sounds Instantly Scare Us?
The spookiest time of the year is just around the corner, which means we’re going to be hearing scary sounds everywhere. But what is it that makes these spooky soundas instantly scare us?
Sound Level Meter Apps – How Accurate Are They?
There has been a growing awareness of the availability and application of sound level meter apps providing noise measurement functions. But how accurate are sound level meter apps when undertaking noise measurements? We did some research to look at the...
A sound partnership for North America
Cirrus Research plc have today announced the formation of an exclusive partnership with NoiseMeters Inc for the distribution of sound measurement equipment in the USA with immediate effect.
Local Authorities & Housing Associations Face Challenge As Covid Lockdowns Spark Steady Rise In Noise Nuisance Complaints
According to new local government data, complaints about noise disturbances and noisy neighbours have soared in the last 18 months, as most of the country spent more time indoors during the Covid-19 national lockdowns.