Original doseBadge Remote Start Keyfob

Microphones & Accessories

It allows the doseBadge to be started and stopped without the use of a doseBadge Reader unit.

  • Start and stop your doseBadge without a doseBadge Reader unit
  • Simple to operate
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The Original doseBadge Remote Start Keyfob

It allows the doseBadge to be started and stopped without the use of a doseBadge Reader unit. Simply use the Start and Stop buttons on the keyfob to send commands to your doseBadge.

The Original doseBadge Remote Start Keyfob is ideal when there is a need to socially distance or where a persons shift differs to that of the health and safety officer, or the worker operates from a remote location.

Please note, a doseBadge Reader unit is still required to calibrate and reset the individual dosemeters.