The Trojan Noise Nuisance Recorder
The Trojan Noise Nuisance Recorder uses the very latest in sound level meter technology to give you all of the functions you need, all measured at the same time. The Trojan noise nuisance recorder provides simple, effective measurement of noise...
Quantum Indoor Cloud Based Noise Monitor
Quantum Indoor is a powerful noise monitoring solution with built-in cloud connectivity, perfectly suited for unattended indoor noise monitoring across a range of applications. Quantum Indoor can be used for long-term occupational noise monitoring, identifying the source and type of...
Trojan Noise Nuisance Recorder
The Trojan Noise Nuisance Recorder from Cirrus Research will help local councils and housing associations make monitoring nuisance noise easier than ever before.
Optimus+ Sound Level Meter
First launched in 2009, the Optimus sound level meter is easy to use and offers accessible noise monitoring to anyone.
Optimus+ GPS Sound Level Meter
The Optimus+ GPS sound level meter is designed to make environmental noise monitoring easier and more effective than ever before. This device builds on the incredible technology of our iconic Optimus range, by providing highly accurate location data with every...
The Advanced doseBadge Noise Dosimeter
The Advanced doseBadge is a high-performance wireless noise dosimeter that allows you to make compliant occupational noise exposure measurements, put into place effective control measures, and ensure that workers are not exposed to noise levels that will put their hearing...
The Original Cirrus doseBadge
The Original doseBadge from Cirrus Research is the original wireless noise dosimeter and is the ideal tool to carry out occupational and industrial hygiene noise measurements, providing a unique solution for these applications.
Quantum Outdoor From Cirrus Research
Environmental monitoring made easier with the Quantum Outdoor from Cirrus Research. Ideal for unattended noise monitoring 24/7 from any location through cloud-connected noise monitors.
Quantum Remote Outdoor Noise Monitor
Quantum Outdoor is a remote outdoor noise monitor from Cirrus Research. Gathering noise, weather, vibration, gas and particulate data, Quantum Outdoor sends all the information it records directly to the cloud, where you can access it any time, in any...