NoiseTools for Noise Nuisance Users

NoiseTools for Noise Nuisance Users

At Cirrus, we’ve always looking for ways to enhance our products to better help our customers meet their noise measurement needs.

The NoiseTools software that you are using with your Cirrus Noise Nuisance equipment is always being updated and enhanced with new functions and features all the time. At regular intervals, we will release a new version which contains these updates so to make sure that you have access to these new functions, we’d always recommend that you have the latest version.

It may not be possible, however, for you to easily update your software as you may need to involve your IT support team and they may have questions about the changes that have been made. They may also need to push changes out to a number of users at the same time (all users should be on the same version to avoid any conflicts or issues with old databases – There’s a detailed technical note available on our website).

Our technical support team are always available to help and can be contacted on 01723 891655 or through our support website.

For our Trojan Noise Nuisance customers, we’d recommend a minimum version of 1.6.4 (and where possible, the latest version 1.7).

Database Upgrade

NoiseTools uses a database to store the measurement information from the instruments along with notes, comments and any other settings associated with your measurements.

When we release an update, the new version may need to make changes to the structure of your databases to support the new functions and features.

During the installation process, any existing databases will be converted to the new format so that they can be used in the latest version.

Note: These new, updated database files are not compatible with the previous versions of the NoiseTools program and cannot be opened in any previous versions.

A backup of any existing databases will be made before they are converted to allow data to be recovered in the event of any problems. These backups will be in the same folder as previously along with the new versions. The progress of the database backup and conversion will be shown on the screen.

Single User Installations

For single user installations (where a single installation of NoiseTools is used to access a database or databases), the program can be updated using either the DVD, downloaded from the Cirrus website, or by using the program update feature within NoiseTools itself.

When the installation is complete, run the NoiseTools program and the database conversion will start. NoiseTools will make a backup of any databases before converting them to the new format.

Multi-User Installations

For installation where more than one instance of NoiseTools is used to access a database or where a database is shared across a network for example, all installations of the NoiseTools program must be updated at the same time.

When the first updated installation of NoiseTools is run, all of the current databases will be converted to the new format. These updated database files are not compatible with the previous versions of NoiseTools.

Users who try to open an older version of NoiseTools will receive a warning message that will inform them that the database is not available and that their installation of NoiseTools must be upgraded.

For more detailed information about installing or upgrading NoiseTools on a networked system or where the databases are shared between multiple PC’s, please refer to the document Advanced Installation of NoiseTools.

Jaymee-lee Tolliday
Jaymee-lee Tolliday
Marketing Coordinator

Jaymee-Lee is the Marketing Coordinator at Cirrus Research plc, from managing our English social media platforms and email campaigns to crafting compelling content, she is behind all marketing initiatives across our global markets.

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