Measuring Noise in the Construction Industry

Measuring Noise in the Construction Industry
Free eBook

Measuring Noise in the Construction Industry

Available in English & German

This eBook suggests some simple ways in which businesses, site managers, and health and safety practitioners can measure, monitor and manage their noise levels, and discusses noise measurement instrumentation appropriate for monitoring noise in the construction industry.

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Learn about the various regulations that apply to the construction industry
Find out why routine calibration is important to comply with regulations
Find out which parameters to monitor during environmental noise assessments
Learn how to conduct occupational noise assessments to safeguard employees
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Cirrus Research
Cirrus Research

Since 1970, Cirrus Research has been dedicated to the prevention and eradication of noise-induced hearing loss and environmental noise pollution. Over the last 50 years, we have grown to become one of the world’s leading names in acoustic measurement.

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