The noise measurements made at the recent British Town Crier Championship revealed some interesting statistics about the competitors.
Michael Wood, Town Crier for the East Riding of Yorkshire, was recorded at a level of 105.4 dB(A) (LAFmax) at a distance of 2M, some 3dB higher than the next highest recorded level.
Although the highest LAFmax level was used as the determining factor for the highest cry, the measurements made included a wide range of other noise data including the LAeq, LCPeak, LAE and 1:1 Octave Band frequency information for each competitor.
Michael’s cry lasted for 2 minutes and 10 seconds with an LAeq of 90.5dB and an LCPeak of 111.7dB.รย This equated to an LAE (SEL) of 111.6dB.
The measurements were taken with an Optimus sound level meter which was set to record the noise profile, or time history, throughout the measurements at a rate of 1/16 second. This provided a very detailed view of how the noise level varied across the measurement and a snapshot of this is below.