It’s time to shout louder about Noise Pollution!
Noise pollution is the second largest environmental cause of health problems, according the World Health Organisation, with heart disease, diabetes and mental health conditions being caused by excessive noise levels. We think noise pollution awareness needs to be better.
Why Do Some Sounds Instantly Scare Us?
The spookiest time of the year is just around the corner, which means we’re going to be hearing scary sounds everywhere. But what is it that makes these spooky soundas instantly scare us?
Sound Level Meter Apps – How Accurate Are They?
There has been a growing awareness of the availability and application of sound level meter apps providing noise measurement functions. But how accurate are sound level meter apps when undertaking noise measurements? We did some research to look at the...
A sound partnership for North America
Cirrus Research plc have today announced the formation of an exclusive partnership with NoiseMeters Inc for the distribution of sound measurement equipment in the USA with immediate effect.
Local Authorities & Housing Associations Face Challenge As Covid Lockdowns Spark Steady Rise In Noise Nuisance Complaints
According to new local government data, complaints about noise disturbances and noisy neighbours have soared in the last 18 months, as most of the country spent more time indoors during the Covid-19 national lockdowns.
The importance of measuring vibration at work
Vibration in the workplace is one of the most common occupational health and safety risks. Having the right tools to measure and monitor vibration is essential.
New Calibration Laboratory for Europe Opens in Frankfurt
We’re very excited to announce that our friends in Germany have opened a brand-new noise measurement calibration laboratory at their Headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany.
Noise pollution and its effect on people
Noise pollution is an invisible danger that affects the health and wellbeing of all life. In the second blog of this series, we will be looking at noise pollution and how it affects people
Cirrus Research commits to halve greenhouse gas emissions before 2030
Cirrus Research has announced today that is has become one of the first companies in the world to join the SME Climate Hub, a new groundbreaking climate action platform.
What’s the worst sound in the world?
Everyone has that one sound that makes their toes curl and their skin crawl. There are a whole host of sounds out there that can only be described as unbearable.