Noise protection at the Städtische Bühnen Frankfurt

Noise protection at the Städtische Bühnen Frankfurt

How can modern theatres ensure that artists, staff and audiences are protected in a noisy environment?

Noise safety through the use of modern technologies

Les Moniteur de bruit intérieur Quantum from Cirrus Research offers an innovative solution that is already being used successfully in leading theatres such as the Städtische Bühnen Frankfurt.

Theatres are loud by nature. Dramatic stage effects, thunderous orchestral music and even the hustle and bustle in the foyer generate noise levels that can lead to hearing damage over long periods of time.

The typical noise level at a theatre play is 70-80 decibels. This is harmless for an average performance time of 2 hours, but the situation is different for operas or musicals. In these art forms, the average noise level is 80-100 decibels, which can be quite damaging to hearing over a longer period of time.

The audience bears little risk during short performances. However, employees are often exposed to these noise levels for several hours a day.

To ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved and also to comply with legal noise limits, it is important to continuously measure sound levels. But without reliable monitoring tools, this can be a major challenge.

The Quantum Indoor Noise Monitor

The Quantum Indoor is ideal for long-term indoor noise monitoring. It measures the noise level in real time and ensures that the noise guidelines are adhered to. If individually defined limit values are exceeded, a notification is automatically sent so that immediate noise reduction measures can be taken.

The Städtische Bühnen Frankfurt use the Quantum Indoor Noise Monitor in their venues – the Schauspiel and Oper Frankfurt – as part of their comprehensive health and safety measures. The simple installation, precise noise measurements and continuous monitoring make the system particularly attractive for technical staff.

The monitor measures the noise level around the clock without the need for manual intervention. This means that problematic noise peaks can be recognised and corrected immediately, which increases safety for everyone involved.

Arnim Streek, sound engineer at Schauspiel Frankfurt, particularly praises the automation of switch-on, recording and storage processes.

“It is, so to speak, an automated sound level measurement, around the clock.”

Compliance with noise protection regulations is essential for the theatre in order to minimise liability risks and health hazards.

The successful use of Quantum Indoor at Städtische Bühnen Frankfurt illustrates how effectively noise protection can be realised through the use of modern technologies.

If you would like to find out more about the Quantum Indoor and how it can benefit your theatre, please contact us.

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Produits Cirrus utilisés dans cette étude de cas

Quantum Indoor Noise Monitor
Quantum Indoor

Quantum Indoor est un moniteur de bruit à distance avec connectivité cloud intégrée, idéalement adapté à la surveillance professionnelle à long terme en intérieur.

Idéal pour la surveillance permanente du travail
Moniteur de bruit de classe 2 conforme à la norme IEC 61672-1 : 2013
Alertes et déclenchements en temps réel avec capture audio
Visualiser des données en direct à partir de plusieurs sites simultanément
Tatjana Dahy
Tatjana Dahy
Chargé de marketing pour l'UE

Tatjana est la responsable du marketing européen chez Cirrus Research. De la gestion de nos plateformes de médias sociaux et de nos campagnes d'e-mailing en Allemagne et en France à la création de contenus attrayants, elle est à l'origine de toutes les initiatives de marketing de Cirrus Research GmbH et de Cirrus Research France.

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Next week, Cirrus Research GmbH is moving to a new location. Due to the move, our European calibration lab will be closed from the 7th to 13th October.

During the move, our European team can still be contacted via telephone at +49 (0)69 95932047 ou par courrier électronique à l'adresse suivante [email protected]. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to sharing more details about our new office.

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