Cirrus Research
We manufacture and supply high-quality acoustic measurement instrumentation. Cirrus Research Plc is dedicated to the prevention and eradication of noise-induced hearing loss and environmental noise pollution.
Akkreditierungen und berufliche Mitgliedschaften

We are accredited with the British Standards Institute (BSI) for both quality management and environmental management. The ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) standards are internationally recognised and are instrumental in making trade between countries possible. Our quality management accreditation, ISO 9001:2015, demonstrates that we meet a number of strict quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the ‘process approach’, and a commitment to continual improvement. We take the quality of our products and services, and your experience with us incredibly seriously, something which ISO 9001:2015 represents. We regularly carry out internal audits to ensure that we continue to meet the standards this accreditation demands, and to guarantee that you continue to receive products and services of the very highest standard.

One of the most prestigious accreditations to our name, we became one of only five UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service)-accredited acoustic calibration labs in 2018. As a UKAS-accredited calibration laboratory, we are capable of calibrating sound level meters and acoustic calibrators to the very latest and highest standards, as well as octave band filters. UKAS standards are internationally recognised, as demonstrated by our association with ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation). ILAC is an internationally-recognised organisation for accreditation bodies. Having the ability to calibrate acoustic instruments to UKAS-accredited standards is incredibly important, as it demonstrates our commitment to quality. Becoming a UKAS-accredited calibration lab is no mean feat; any institution that wishes to become accredited must undergo a thorough verification process. We have our own designated UKAS calibration lab and all the testing equipment used in the lab has been thoroughly checked by the UK Accreditation Service.
Cirrus Research plc are a member of the WeeeCare Compliance Scheme (EA approved registration no. WEE/MP3538PZ/SCH) and therefore fulfil their obligations in accordance with The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013 The WasteCare Group has the largest combined membership in the UK of producers and importers of batteries, packaging and electrical products. BatteryBack Plc, PackCare Ltd and WeeeCare Plc operate Producer Compliance Schemes offering fixed and underwritten obligation costs for their respective sectors. Being a major recycler enables us to provide low cost evidence directly to our members.

The Institute of Acoustics was established in 1974, with Cirrus Research acting as a key founding sponsor. The IOA is the United Kingdom’s leading professional body for those working in acoustics, noise and vibration, offering a range of advice, technical papers, training courses and more for those affiliated with it. Our membership of the Institute of Acoustics demonstrates our commitment to continually developing the tools and technology available to those working in acoustics, leading the way to make noise and vibration measurement easier, more accessible and more effective. As a key founding sponsor and member, we’re lucky enough to be in a position to help drive and lead the conversation around acoustics, cementing our position as one of the most trusted names not only in the UK, but across the world. As part of our association with the IOA, we have sponsored a number of awards and have published research papers, which can be accessed through the IOA website

The BSIF (British Safety Industry Federation) is the UK’s leading association for the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Directive and is recognised by the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) as a Competent Authority, with links to government departments and multiple trade bodies. Established in 1994, the BSIF is a major independent voice in the British safety industry, helping to influence legislation and provide a source of trustworthy and authoritative information on a range of workplace health and safety issues, whilst at the same time representing the needs of its members. As a registered safety supplier, we can guarantee that you will only be supplied with genuine approved products, that have undergone a series of compliance checks. As part of our membership, we have the opportunity to take part in several discussions that seek to improve health and safety within the workplace, and reaffirm the importance of tackling the challenges that excessive noise and vibration pose to people’s health and wellbeing.

Der British Safety Council (BSC) setzt sich dafür ein, dass jede Arbeitskraft vor Verletzungen und/oder Krankheit am Arbeitsplatz geschützt ist. Seit über 60 Jahren berät und unterstützt das BSC britische Unternehmen dabei, ihre Arbeitsumwelt bestmöglich sicher zu gestalten. Unsere Mitgliedschaft im BSC zeigt, dass wir uns nicht nur im Bereich des Arbeitsschutzes unserer eigenen Beschäftigten engagieren, sondern auch dazu beitragen wollen, dass gute Arbeitsschutzpraktiken an allen Arbeitsplätzen im Vereinigten Königreich gefördert werden.

Made in Britain ist eine branchenübergreifende Organisation, die das britische Handwerk fördert. Wenn Sie bei einem Hersteller mit dem Gütesiegel „Made in Britain“ kaufen, können Sie sich auf Qualität verlassen. Made in Britain ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die britische Hersteller mit lizenzierten offiziellen Markenzeichen unterstützt. Wir arbeiten mit britischen Handelsorganisationen, relevanten britischen Regierungsabteilungen und den Medienkanälen zusammen, um qualifizierte Arbeitsplätze, verantwortungsbewusstes Wirtschaften und nachhaltiges Wachstum zu unterstützen. Wir arbeiten das ganze Jahr unermüdlich daran, das britische Handwerk zu fördern.
Gehör für Generationen schützen
Wir haben die letzten 50 Jahre damit verbracht, Geräte zu erforschen, zu entwickeln und herzustellen, mit denen Sie Risiken überwachen und kontrollieren können. Darüber hinaus bieten wir eine Reihe von Dienstleistungen zu Ihrer Beratung und Aufklärung an.

Unsere Kunden stehen im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns
Unsere Geschichte
Wir bedienen Kunden auf 6 Kontinenten und in mehr als 100 Ländern
Cirrus Research Ltd wird gegründet
CRL230 Schallpegelmesser-Serie wird eingeführt
Echtzeit-Lärminformationen für Tontechniker
Möglichkeit zum Herunterladen von Messdaten
Queens Award für Exportleistungen
Revolutionärer doseBadge wird eingeführt
Erster Hersteller mit Baumusterzulassung
Optimus Schallpegelmesser wird eingeführt
Quantum Cloud-Plattform wird eingeführt
Weitere Innovationen und Verbesserungen